Community Training & Empowerment Wins State-wide Peer Support Contract with CDPHE

CDPHE Anschutz Peer Support Partnership Image


The Lyda Hill Institute for Human Resilience (the Institute) and CU Anschutz Medical Campus - Department of Psychiatry received a contract from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) for the Healthcare Worker R & R Support Program. This program will start on December 15th and will offer Past the Pandemic training, GRIT-4Health training, and First Priority Peer Support training to over 875 healthcare workers throughout Colorado. This is the second state-wide Peer Support program run by the Institute's Community Training and Empowerment division. In 2018, the Institute won a state-wide Peer Support contract with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), which is still being serviced today. 


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