Leading the Charge: Dr. Heather Littleton Takes the Helm as Co-Editor of JAMT

Dr. Heather Littleton Photo


Dr. Heather Littleton, Director of Research Operations at the Lyda Hill Institute for Human Resilience, has assumed the role of co-editor for the Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma (JAMT) starting January 2024, embarking on an initial three-year term. JAMT stands as an esteemed publication affiliated with the Institute on Violence, Abuse, & Trauma, commencing its scholarly journey in 1997. This reputable journal delves into a plethora of subjects revolving around human aggression and trauma, encompassing cutting-edge research on the prevention and treatment of trauma. Noteworthy recent thematic focuses within the journal have included exploring the often-overlooked narrative of men as victims of violence and abuse within intimate relationships, dissecting systemic responses to intimate partner violence within healthcare frameworks, and shedding light on the intricacies of sexual violence and trauma across diverse populations.

Presently, Dr. Littleton is engaged in co-editing a special edition of the journal alongside Dr. Steven Bistricky, which zeroes in on methodological innovations and groundbreaking applications of psychological resilience theory.


Tags: Newsletter May 2024