Visiting Institute Scholars Featured in UCCS Communique

Photo of Dr. Dyb and Dr. Zwart


The Lyda Hill Institute for Human Resilience is hosting two distinguished research scholars this year. Dr. Grete Dyb and Dr. John-Anker Zwart, both of Oslo, Norway, will be the Institute’s first visiting research scholars. They will be with the Institute from January through June, bringing with them a wealth of knowledge related to their respective fields. Dr. Dyb is a child- and adolescent psychiatrist with specialization in trauma and PTSD, and Dr. Zwart is a neurologist specializing in pain, including the impact of pain on morbidity and mental health. 

Hosting visiting scholars fosters collaborations on research projects and stimulates new ideas. It is the ideal way to learn from and share knowledge with some of the most experienced and world-renowned trauma psychologists. To learn more, check out the UCCS Communique article in the link below. 


[ Read the Communique Article Here! ]
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