Christopher Layne, Ph.D.

Christopher Layne, Ph.D.
A licensed clinical psychologist, Dr. Christopher Layne is Associate Professor of Psychology at Nova Southeastern University, where he directs the Child and Adolescent Traumatic Stress Program, a training clinic that specializes in the assessment and treatment of traumatized and bereaved youth. Dr. Layne is also Principal Investigator of the National Child Trauma Workforce Institute, a large Federally-funded institute dedicated to adapting and disseminating the Core Curriculum on Childhood Trauma across the US. Dr. Layne served as Program Director of Education in Evidence-Based Practice at the UCLA/Duke University National Center for Child Traumatic Stress for 15 years. In that capacity, he led the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) Core Curriculum on Childhood Trauma. The Core Curriculum is a major initiative designed to raise the standard of care for traumatized youth and families across the US by raising the standard of education and training of the mental health professionals who serve them. Dr. Layne has also co-authored over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, chapters, editorials, and over 200 conference and expert panel presentations. Dr. Layne and his colleagues worked closely with the American Psychiatric Association to create developmentally-informed criteria for Prolonged Grief Disorder in DSM-5-TR. He has co-authored the manualized interventions Psychological First Aid; FOCUS for Military Families; Skills for Psychological Recovery; Trauma and Grief Component Therapy for Adolescents, and most recently Multidimensional Grief Therapy. Dr. Layne is lead developer of multidimensional grief theory and various trauma and bereavement assessment measures. With funding from such agencies as the Substance Use and Mental Health Services Agency (SAMHSA), UNICEF, New York Life Foundation, the Kennedy International Studies Center, and the New York State Office of Mental Health, Dr. Layne has disseminated manualized interventions on an international scale and co-led the nation’s first practice-research network of bereavement centers. His professional interests include traumatic stress and bereavement; professional education and training; developmental psychopathology; evidence-based practice; evidence-based assessment; theory building; research methods; and trauma- and bereavement-focused intervention.
Research Interests
Dr. Layne's professional interests include traumatic stress and bereavement in childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood; developmental psychopathology; evidence-based practice; evidence-based assessment; psychometrics; theory building; research methods; and professional education and training
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