Reagan Fitzke

Reagan Fitzke Portrait

Reagan Fitzke

Clinical Trauma Psychology, Ph.D. Candidate


Reagan is a first-year Ph.D. student in the Clinical Psychology program (Trauma Track) at UCCS. Reagan graduated from Colorado State University in 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Clinical/Counseling Psychology and a minor in Applied Statistics. She completed her Honors Thesis in partnership with the CSU Tri-Ethnic Center under the supervision of Dr. Mark Prince, which focused on protective factors for cannabis use among Native youth. Following, she was a post-baccalaureate project manager at the USC Keck School of Medicine from 2020-2023 in The Prevention, Early Intervention, and Addictions Recovery Lab (The PEARL) led by Dr. Eric Pedersen, where she was involved in the development of multiple brief online interventions for substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders among veterans and college students

Research Interests

Reagan’s current research interests include alcohol use, cannabis use, PTSD, and protective factors among interpersonal violence survivors and veterans. She is also interested in improving clinical treatment engagement and outcomes for underserved community populations. In her free time, Reagan enjoys painting, cooking, hiking, and going to concerts.